Digitizing the management of the "Amis des Aînés" label

"Make the Amis des Aînés label as accessible as possible".

Angélique Giacomini

Doctor of Sociology, Deputy Managing Director in charge of developing the AMI DES AÎNÉS"® label, RFVAA

Visit Réseau Francophone des Villes Amies des Aînés (RFVAA - French-speaking network of age-friendly towns) officially launched its label "AMI DES AÎNÉS"® (SENIORS' FRIEND) on July 2, 2021. It aims to recognize and value the involvement of local authorities in promoting active ageing and combating ageism.

The reference system comprises over 100 criteria, and our main concern from the outset of the project was to make it as accessible as possible, using a simple, intuitive tool for both applicants and auditors.Ancodea 's main advantage lies in the readability of the reference system, but also in the fact that audited territories can fill in the criteria and upload the evidence before the certification audit. This allows them to familiarize themselves with the standards and saves time at the time of the certification audit.

To date, both the territories audited and the listeners have welcomed the Ancodea's ease of use. His numerous functions are intuitive and guarantee quality throughout the certification process.

On the RFVAA side, we'd like to pay tribute to the great adaptability demonstrated by Joëlle and Franck. More than just a service provider, we have established a real partnership through the implementation of an almost "made-to-measure" tool to bring the label to life in concrete terms, with numerous functionalities developed especially for our needs.

Today, Ancodea truly reflects the "AMI DES AÎNÉS"® label, and fits in perfectly with our philosophy. We're extremely satisfied with the result.

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