Listeners, do you know Nat?

What are the problems faced by listeners and why it's better to know how to juggle? Today I'm talking about Nat's experience (male or female, you choose) and the juggling skills he developed with AnCodea!

Joëlle Burgau, co-founder of ChangeforSaaS Solutions, creator and host of the Kalitaté posdcast

 Nat's business: verifying and assessing the conformity of an organization's processes, products and systems with reference standards. Nat is confronted with a wide range of issues. Fortunately, Nat juggles very well!

Juggling compliance 

To ensure that the structure being audited complies with the standards and regulations in force in its sector, Nat needs to keep abreast of the constant evolution of standards and legislation. To achieve this, Nat conducts monitoring activities and must be able to disseminate information to its customers quickly and easily. With AnCodea, Nat has a document management tool that enables it to manage all this, simply and collaboratively!

Juggling continuous improvement

Nat must identify opportunities for improvement in the organization's processes and systems, in order to optimize quality and efficiency. This involves proposing relevant recommendations to stimulate continuous improvement. Of course, these recommendations must be adapted to the company's resources and challenges, which is why Nat builds a specific action plan for each of its customers, even if it means copying and pasting a few actions it has already recommended to other customers. In any case, it's one thing to propose, it's quite another to give the company every chance that its recommendations will be implemented. With AnCodea, Nat can self-generate an action plan as he evaluates it, drawing from a bank of recommendations based on his own experience, or adding recommendations specific to the structure.

Juggling risks

By identifying potential vulnerabilities in a process or service, Nat can suggest measures to minimize the associated risks. Knowing your customer's business is always a plus, especially when it comes to risk management! But that's not all: you also need a good risk management tool. And this tool is offered in AnCodea's Audit module!

Juggling data

Data collection and analysis are among Nat's low value-added tasks, especially data collection! Frankly, it's not his favorite pastime! It's tedious, and when data is collected in the field, Nat is sometimes treated like a "dog in a bowling alley", and sometimes it's just not the time! The next step is to gather the data, analyze it, select the most relevant, evaluate performance and compliance... This requires skills in data collection, statistical analysis and interpretation of results. This part of Nat's work is the most time-consuming! AnCodea is there to facilitate remote data collection and manage all the BI aspects. As a result, more than half of Nat's time is freed up to concentrate on making recommendations and giving advice, and to put her expertise to good use!

Juggling with standardization

Ensuring consistency of processes and practices across different parts of the organization can be challenging. That's why Nat ensures that standards and procedures are applied consistently. And that starts with making his own auditing tools consistent and uniform. AnCodea is there to make the task easier for him, not least by reducing the time it takes to maintain and distribute his tools.

Juggling technological evolution

As technologies and production methods evolve, Nat needs to keep up to date with new approaches and digital tools to assess quality effectively. That's why we created AnCodea, and I invite you to discover the major functionalities of our digital solution😉

Juggling the culture of quality

Fostering a culture of quality within a company is a real challenge. Nat uses its audit assignments to encourage and promote this culture, so that the importance of quality is integrated into all aspects of the business. And that starts with demonstrating that Quality is not a "dirty word" and that it's easy to Manage with AnCodea 😉

In a nutshell,

Juggling a wide range of issues is Nat's daily routine. Her auditing tools and recommendations enable her client to maintain a high level of quality and compliance, while continually striving to improve! Double bonus! Well done Nat!

and then...

To find out more about AnCodea, contact us!

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