The Famille Plus label chooses AnCodea

The FAMILLE PLUS label is the 3rd label to join the AnCodea community!

Joëlle Burgau

Co-creator of Ancodea, co-founder of ChangeforSaaS Solutions

The FAMILLE PLUS label, whose social values we share, holds great promise for families and offers real added value for committed destinations and tourism providers.

The FAMILLE PLUS label label is managed by three associations that have chosenAnCodea : l'Association Nationale des Maires de Stations de Montagne (ANMSM) for the Mountain area, the Association Nationale des Elus des Territoires Touristiques for the Sea and City areas, and the Fédération Française des Stations Vertes et des Villages de Neige for Nature areas.

The "Choc" team of territory referents for the FAMILLE PLUS label Laure, Dounia, Lucie and Laurent, support tourist destinations in their labeling process. They now manage the entire label process, from self-assessment to the final award decision by the national management committee.

We have officially launched the new management platform for the FAMILLE PLUS label label management platform at a launch webinar on Thursday November 3. The training program kicked off the following Monday!

On November 17, to mark the national day of the FAMILLE PLUS label, we gave a general presentation of ChangeforSaaS, the team and AnCodea in the morning, and led a practical workshop in the afternoon.

This day, rich in meetings and exchanges, enabled us to gauge the enthusiastic reception of the new platform. 

Thanks to all three associations for their warm welcome throughout the day!

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