Digitizing the Humanitude Label reference system

"Digitizing our tools, including the assessment framework, to meet the needs of all our stakeholders."

The Asshumevie association has created the world's first " bientraitance" label: the Humanitude label and the labeling process (quality approach to bientraitance). 


We were looking to digitize our tools, including the evaluation repository, to meet the needs of all users.

  1. CLIENTS"(establishments and services in the medial-social sector (EHPAD, FAM, SAMSAH, etc.), the home sector (AISSIAD, SSIAD, SPASAD, etc.) and the health sector (hospitals and services).
  2. The "EVALUATORS" are those who will accompany the establishments in their "path to the Label" by analyzing the self-assessments and guiding them in their progress.
  3. EXPERT VISITORS" who will carry out on-site visits to award the label and monitor progress.

With AnCodea, the ChangeforSaaS team has listened to our requests, responded to our needs and taken our requirements into account to create a tool that is accessible to all, interactive, easy to use because it's very intuitive, but also flexible and scalable, offering enormous scope for evolution and development.

It's the tool we were looking for, and we're perfectly satisfied with the result.

In short: "you're looking for a quality tool ChangeforSaaS has done it".

Big advantage of the platform: no need for additional software, large data storage capacity (attachments and archiving) accessible at any time by all users, confidentiality.

The team: in addition to human qualities: availability, listening, responsiveness, patience, competence, good humor ... For me I'm delighted!!!!

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