AnCodea quality platform


With AnCodea, managing quality has never been easier!

You're managing quality in Excel and can't cope?

On your AnCodea platform, you centralize all your tools and data and manage all your quality processes!

Collaborative, intuitive, interactive, AnCodea quality software federates your stakeholders and makes quality a major project within your organization.

Whether you're an experienced quality specialist or a novice, AnCodea offers you a structured, reassuring framework for successfully completing your quality projects and achieving excellence!



Decision support

Data security

Ancodea software

Your own quality management platform

Tools, data and stakeholders are brought together. You can create and develop your own assessment frameworks independently, or use our ready-to-use assessment frameworks. Your users benefit from a dedicated space from which you can support and interact with them.

Collaborative and interactive

AnCodea is a multi-user, multilingual, multi-support solution. You can work in Solo or Collective mode. Centralize and share your documents


Create your own questionnaires, surveys or repositories, or use our integrated quality repositories. Enhance your platform with newmodules and functionalities as your needs change.


Centralize all your quality processes. Your tools, data and stakeholders are all in one place

Personal space

Users have access to a dedicated online workspace. They can assess themselves or other users, and draw on your best practice databases to build their own action plan...


AnCodea automates your time-consuming routine tasks and self-generates comprehensive reports with areas for improvement and graphical representations.


You're close to your stakeholders, making communication easier. You have a global view of quality in real time, for greater responsiveness.


Let's meet and talk about your project