Managing quality processes within a Tourist Office

Blaye Tourist Office (Gironde, Nouvelle-Aquitaine): linking different quality tools

Géraldine Matrat, Quality Manager,Blaye Tourist Office

During our last Qualité tourisme audit, we renewed our mark. However, theauditor pointed out that we lacked real links between our various documents

We were holding meetings with minutes, modifying documents such as procedure sheets and following an action plan, but we couldn't link these elements together clearly...

 We tried out a number of project management software packages, but there was always something missing. Then Nicolas Monseigne, our director, met Joëlle and Franck in Pau and told us: "Maybe we should get in touch with them, as they work with MONA and we're not far from a complete solution...". 

No sooner said than done! Joëlle and I are looking for a way to put all our quality documents on this tool

On AnCodea, we now have our action, communication and promotion plan, which can be read by all our staff and modified as the year progresses, withreal-time progress reports on our actions; our ToDo Lists, which enable everyone to manage their work meetings according to the assignments given by management, with deadlines and reminders (soon) by e-mail; and, above all, a liaison book and an incident book which can be filled in and read by everyone. With a single tool, we can manage the structure's operations, from the agreement on objectives signed with the Communauté de communes to the modification of procedures attached to the action plan. We can do everything with everyone or with each person, and the quality manager can link incidents to the action plan and ToDo Lists, and have a real overview of his approach

For us, quality is a way of working: we do it without knowing it. The introduction of the Liaison and Incident Book modules has enabled staff to adopt the action plan and a working method with ToDo Lists, while always using the same tool

Joëlle and Franck met our expectations quickly and efficiently. This year we'll be going over the mark again and I think we're ready!