Developing the consulting profession with high-performance tools

Digital transformation is re-questioning all professions. The consulting business, too! 

Jean-Louis Naud, Industrial Innovation Consultant

Focus on high value-added tasks.

In addition to the content of the services that companies expect from their consultants, they also expect a change in the relationship they will have with the men and women who will support them. 

The "traditional" manager-consultant face-to-face meeting, while still important, is becoming difficult (and costly) to organize. It will have to evolve.

Two examples:

  1. All interventions begin with a diagnosis, which is essential for consulting. But business owners often find it bitter to be billed for it, when it's already consuming precious time. So it's rarely billed, but someone has to pay for it anyway. A number of large consulting firms have already opted to offer these services in web mode to their clients: making it easier for the manager to respond in a fragmented way, if necessary while on the road; making it easier for the consultant to analyze the responses, complete them during a telephone call, and put together an initial report outlining the scope of the assignment. Fortunately, AnCodea is now making online diagnostics financially accessible to all consultants wishing to move in this direction.
  2. The consultant's visit was often no more than a chance to take stock of current actions and work on any difficulties encountered. Why not monitor the progress of recommended actions in real time, or more frequently? The benefits for the company will be felt more quickly. AnCodea makes this possible. The consultant will only focus on higher levels of expertise, at proportionate daily rates, and can, for example, provide "normal" monitoring on a monthly basis. Company and consultant share the same work tool, and their collaboration is all the more efficient.

Yes, digital transformation is re-questioning all professions. The consulting business, too! Thank you to ChangeforSaaS for providing us with a high-performance tool capable of helping our business evolve.